
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Archivis News Update 2-19-14

Alo Party Peoples.

Here is some news.

By now everyone reading my blog should know my love of the 1998 film Pleasantville, I love it to death. It works as a comedy, even if I'm slightly lukewarm on that aspect. The musical score by Randy Newman is fantastic, and it manages to squeeze an actual relevant message in there. One that is arguably more relevant now considering the use of vibrant color as a metaphor for choice and free expression. Or, depending on your point of view, a metaphor for original sin. In the 21st century, that shouldn't need any further explanation.

The next movie review will probably be of "Pompeii", I would like to provide some context as to the title. Pompeii was a Roman town in southern Italy that was destroyed in 79 A.D by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius.

The "Guardians of The Galaxy" film, to be released by Marvel Studios this August, now has a trailer out. You might notice that it looks much more comedic than their past films. When I commented about this on YouTube, one STEIN667 replied "That's because the comic books are...Rocket Raccoon's catchphrase is "Blam! Murdered You" or at least one of them. He's mouthy. Just think about the concept of that character alone... It's a more humorous comic book than most. At least to me." The film is already on my review schedule, we will see how they do branching out from just straight action.

Something that it might seem odd that I left out of my review schedule is "The Amazing Spider-Man 2". I left it out because, even though the Sam Rami Spider-Man films were favorites of mine growing up, the first film of the reboot was not very good, and this one only looks like a slight improvement.

It looks like I'm the only person that isn't blown away by the Lego Movie. Don't get me wrong, I don't think that the Danish toy company's film is bad, but everyone has been going on about how amazing it is, and I just don't think it's an instant classic. Maybe it was just over-hyped, but aside from the ridiculously detailed animation, I can't call it a great film without lying to you.

I have a project I would like to propose to you. From the months of May to December, each months DVD review would be of one of the Harry Potter films, would any of you like that? I've considered talking about all of them at once, but that would be rather difficult considering that series's total run-time adds up to 1,180 minutes. The books that the films were based on contained 1,084,170 words. About 918 words per minute of film.

Have a nice day.


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