
Sunday, November 10, 2013

Random Thoughts

Alo Party Peoples.

Money is tight again. To hold you over until the next movie, here are some musings.

Welcome To Night Vale is horror lite. I usually can't stand horror and I love it.

Did you know that Enders Game is required reading for US military personelle? Because it is.

The Davies Era of Doctor Who had a lot of campy villans. The only ones I can think of that weren't are the Empty Child, and the Weeping Angels. Both of which were created by Steven Moffat. Okay Satan and his Ood were intimidating. There is an exception to every rule.

The problem with recent DC movies is that they think gritty will work for everybody just because it worked for Batman. One Bob Chipman called it "Robin-phobia" that sums it up well.

If you don't move past your problems, you only crumble when they confront you again.

The mark of art is that it is open to interpretation. That it can spark discussion of more than just the superficial. 

Under that definition, anything can be art, like a speech, or a piece of legislation.

Law And Order is a perfect show to rerun. Each episode is a self contained story and there is little connection between episodes.

Other shows are better either rerun in a in order marathon, or watch it via Netflix and wait for the current seasons DVD release.

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