
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

My Government Just Shut Down.

Alo Party Peoples.

So in case you hadn't heard. On October 1st 2013 the U.S. Government shut down over Obamacare. If you would like to know why, essentially the House of Represenatives and the Senate couldn't agree to extend the budget. I don't have time to go into more detail. Watch this if you want more.

I'm not here to discuss Obamacare itself, which for the record went into effect anyway because healthcare is funded seperatley from the national budget. I'm here because the idea of the government shutting down sounds like a bit of a problem. After all, 800,000 people are suddenly out of a job. What else is gone that we all take for granted? Who's checking bags at airports? Who's patrolling the border? Who, dear readers, is inspecting our meats?

Let's find out.

First off things such as defense, border patrol, airport security, food inspection, Socail Security, and the postal service are exempt because they have been deemed essential. Those people get to go to work today.

Emergency services, waste management, law enforcement, hospitals, and education tend to be run on the state level, and will thus function as normal

So what is closed? Things like national parks and monuments, museums, and NASA, which have been deemed non essential to keeping the country alive.

So the Smithsonian is closed, your eBay should arrive on time, and the only thing that right wing has accomplished with this is the temporary unemployment of over half a million people.

Hats off to all, and I hope we can all get through this relatively unscathed.


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