
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

My Biases That Shape Opinion

Alo Party Peoples

When writing, I try to be as objective as I possibly can about a subject. This does not always work. As exemplified by the Zimmerman post (which I still have not put back up, I am waiting for a time in which it would be relevant to do so.) No matter how hard people try. Nobody is completely unshaped by their opinions, beliefs, morals, culture, upbringing, and preferences.

Today, I would like to bring up some things that inform and shape my world view. If you don't like it. You don't have to agree with me

Let's roll.

1. I was born in, grew up in, and currently live in the United States. In particular Texas.

And considering things that have happened there over the past few months, and the resulting stereotypes about the state. I sometimes feel embarrassed to admit that.

2. My political affiliation, Anti-Republican.

That's all I can say without rambling in an infuriated fashion. 

3. I have ADHD and I am on the high functioning end of the Autisim spectrum. Specifically Asperger's syndrome.

That actually explains a lot. For example I tend to feel like the world is a bit slow. Like everybody else is that one guy in the drive thru line that can't decide on a topping. And I just want to scream "MOVE!!!!!" at the top of my lungs.

Another example? Autisim allows those who have it to perform a little trick called "hyper focus". What it does is allow you to pour all your attention into a topic (if its interesting enough) to the exclusion of everything and everyone else. Sounds awesome right? Wrong. 

So whats the catch? 

Once you hyper focus, its quite difficult to stop. And you tend to latch onto stray thoughts and hyper focus on them. So try sleeping when you can't stop thinking about the report you wrote three hours ago. Or take a test when you just can not stop your mind from drifting to the subject of..... the heat death of the universe! 

It's kind of an awesome curse.

It's depressing at times. But maybe that's just me. Maybe it's just me that feels alone in the world. Like I'm constantly surrounded by screeching idiots. That just don't get how serious it is, when I ask for assistance coping. And kindred spirits, if they exist at all, are few and far between. But I'm getting off topic.

4. I only speak English. But I am taking a Latin class.

Which is why you won't see talking about anime any time soon. I know that subtitles and fan dubs exist. But I'm nowhere near familiar enough with it. Culturally, linguistically, or otherwise to discuss it.

You know what? Writing this is making me sad. So I'm going to end it here before I start to cry.

Hats off to all, have a nice day, and let's keep the Web weird. Shall we?


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