
Saturday, September 21, 2013

Glove and Boots: (2011-) (U.S.) (Internet Video Blog)

Alo Party Peoples.

Some of you might find it odd that I am reviewing another blog. Well.... money is tight right now, movie tickets are expensive and it is rare that I get into press screenings. I seldom have opportunities to acquire new discs, the school library only has so much, and Netflix's film selection kind of sucks. In other words, I am struggling to scale a paywall. 

But do you know what doesn't have a paywall? The Internet. I'm not talking about piracy. I'm talking about things that people make and initially release via the Internet for free.

Some examples include Dr. Horrible, the Vlogbrothers John and Hank Green, CGPgrey, Sf Debris (if you haven't been listening to him start doing so. He does beautifully in depth analysis of serialized formats i.e. television ) and today's topic Glove and Boots.

These guys are awesome. That's all I have to say. The only job that a work like this has is to be funny. And these guys are an absolute riot. I would go into detail, but in the words of E.B. White "analyzing humor is like dissecting a frog. No one is interested, and the frog dies."

But they are also smart. They clearly understand the things that they joke about, and there are some fiercely intelligent minds behind it. With hints of something deeper going on underneath. 

If I can think of a problem, which is why I'm here. It's that when you do comedy, you run the risk of the actors breaking down in laughter from the sheer ridiculousness of what they're doing. This tends to happen with Glove and Boots, and they leave it in the final product a lot of the time.

Under different circumstances that can be a deal breaker. But said final product is so funny that it's hard to care. And they clearly have a good time making it.

In conclusion, go look at them. It's just fun! :)

Here is one of their videos to get you started:

Hats off to all, have a nice day, and let's keep the Web weird. Shall we?

Dr. Horrible is on Netflix.

Vlogbrothers and GCPgrey are on YouTube and are easy to find. Just type their name into the search bar.

SF Debris is on blip. A lot of people have trouble running blip but it's well worth the hassle. There are a bunch of really talented people that post there.

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